Status on Our Current Building

With the end of the Due Diligence phase of the sale of our building and property, our next milestone is the finale settlement and closing date, scheduled for Wednesday August 30th. This past week, all parties met on a teleconference call to review all aspects of the sale and all appears to be in order.

There remains significant activity in the building. Ember is still occupying a portion of the building with their students, we continue to host 3 self-help groups each week, and our own Debra Thornton has numerous infant movement classes which fill the building with music and baby laughter (and a few cries).

Work continues to sort files and stuff accumulated over the years. A special “Thank You” to Ben Lamons who is doing a lot of the heavy lifting in moving bookcases, file cabinets and such. Also, much appreciation to Bernard for his work in the kitchen: sorting and cleaning. Cathy continues to work the shredder and is now on a first-name basis with the device. Julie Turner spent time cross-referencing sheet music and scanned nearly all our holdings.

It may seem this pre-work is tedious and the urge to “just move everything” is tempered with the awareness, “…and just where would we put it?”, as we will be moving to a space less than ½ our current space – so there is deliberate consideration in evaluating, “ do we plan to utilize an item, and where would it go?” is the guiding mantra.

How You Can Help 

The Board and staff thank you for your continued interest, patience, and prayers during this period.

There will be another “What’s Next” session on Sunday, August 20th, as we look to continue the work of identifying activities and events that align with our “Why” and our “How’s” for implementation and manifestation. It’s important to realize ideas are important. What’s more important is the action into those ideas. Just as we learn in Unity’s 5th principle – it’s not just knowing a principle; it’s putting the principle into action. Please consider attending the August 20th “What’s Next” session after the Sunday worship service.

Coming soon will be a couple of other initiatives: a return of the “Connection Card” previously used at Unity of Melbourne. While this new implementation will be updated to minimize the manual compilation of information and take advantage of the software technology we already have, the Connection Card will also include pre-printed name badges (eliminating the cost of single use adhesive name tags) and allow our Board and leadership a better understanding of who we are serving.

Another initiative coming soon will be identifying the kind of congregants and members we want to attract. This is an idea and concept typically used in manifesting. Some might call it a “vision board”. In this upcoming exercise, we’ll be focusing on behaviors and interests of those we’d like to encourage attend Unity of Melbourne and become part of our spiritual community. This is a relatively new process that incorporates methodologies used throughout the business community and we’re on the forefront in bringing these processes to ministry. There will be questionnaires soon that will be asking your thoughts and opinions on what interests you embody and want to see in others within our spiritual community.

The “Unity Foundations” 5-week class that Licensed Unity Teacher Maggie Rosche is hosting starting Tuesday September 19th from 10am-12pm at Unity of Melbourne and again on Wednesday September 20th from 6:30pm-8:30pm virtually on Zoom is that path towards one of our “How’s” – “inspiring and support our spiritual evolution.” If you are a long-time Unity congregant or member, it’s a terrific opportunity in remembering what Unity teachings embody. For those who are considering becoming a voting member at Unity of Melbourne, this is one of the classes that are part of that requirement.

Blessings to all and thank you for your continued support with and for Unity of Melbourne.

Should you have any questions, please ask me.

Randy B. Fillmore, L.U.T.
Director of Operations