Status on Our Current Building

The Due Diligence phase of the sale of our building and property ended on Monday, July 31st without any word from the prospective buyer or their Broker. What does that mean?

It would be foolish for me or anyone to attribute thoughts or words to others, though without hearing any communication to cancel the pending sale – just as in the original contract, we now proceed to the next milestone which is the closing of the building and property scheduled for Wednesday, August 30th.

I submit the engagement of the current buyer and their broker representative has been extraordinarily different than the previous buyer and contract. There has been engagement with this buyer on a number of matters, and all indications are the new buyer is excited to what is next for this property and how they will manifest this new chapter.

Ember, the group who works with children on the autistic spectrum have moved 2 of their 4 classrooms to their new location and are currently using 1 classroom for students and the other for storage pending the construction completion of their new spaces.

Work internally continues with sorting and evaluating the furnishings that we will be utilizing in our new space and the remainder being readied for a liquidation sale.

There is a deliberate decision as to maintaining a sacred presence in our current space during this time of transition and ensuring the continued support for the spiritual needs of our community.

How You Can Help 

The Board and staff thank you for your continued interest, patience, and prayers during this period.

I appreciate those who attended last Sunday’s “What’s Next” session. The 12 who attended had some wonderful ideas about events and activities that align with our “Why” and “How’s”. As a side note on this subject, I attended a workshop hosted by Rev Kelly Isola on “Ethical Uses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Ministry”. This 90-minute workshop covered a variety of beneficial uses of AI, and some areas that need consideration. Why am I bringing this up in this post? One of the examples that Rev Kelly used as an example of using AI to generate ideas, was a query she posed to the ChatGPT AI application, “Create 12 community initiatives based on Unity’s 12 Powers”. To me, it was fascinating and generated some ideas for consideration. What it lacking (as does nearly all AI-generated responses) is a sense of personal ownership, that is where each of us in the spiritual community are such a valuable asset. The events and activities ChatGPT suggested don’t have the passion embodied by our members.

We still need your participation in the next “What’s Next”, on August 20th, immediately after the worship service, as we continue to develop and refine the events and activities that align with our 5 “Hows” that lead to our “Why”, “We love and accept ourselves and others and heal our world”.

Should you have any questions, please ask me.

Randy B. Fillmore, L.U.T.
Director of Operations