Supporting Unity of Melbourne is not limited to just finances. Using Rev Stretton Smith’s principles he devised for the 4-T Prosperity Program; consisting of tithing of your time, talent, treasure, and testimony, we can take those concepts and apply them to the support for Unity of Melbourne.

  • TIME. Tithing or sharing your unique gifts of time, could mean volunteering or offering sacred service to our ministry. There are a number of single activities or events that occur (i.e. upcoming concerts or being a reader for a special service), serving one Sunday a month in one of our teams: In-person First Impressions (formerly Usher/Greeter) or the Digital First-Impression (can be done from home via computer), Hospitality team, volunteering in our Youth & Family Ministries, or even becoming a Prayer Chaplain.
    These sacred service opportunities are so important to those who visit and attend Unity of Melbourne, as it furthers our intent to make everyone who enters our space to feel welcome.
  • TALENT. Much like sharing your time, extending your talent to our ministry is a form on ministry of itself. All our “gifts” are Divine, and as we share those gifts and talents, we give back to others who benefit. Some of the talents we seek include those who are comfortable with computers who can create, edit, or proofread the weekly eNews, operate the weekly live-stream, run the stage light software (selecting the right light scene at the appropriate), among others.
    Sharing our gifts are the foundation of manifesting the Law of Circulation and being “in-the-flow”.
  • TREASURE. Unity of Melbourne relies solely on the donations and gifts from our members and congregants. Unlike many religious ministries who are supported financially from a national or international organization within that denomination, all Unity ministries – including Unity of Melbourne must be self-sufficient financially. We rely on the generous donations of our congregants and members, and each donation is a blessing for Unity of Melbourne to continue supporting the spiritual needs of our community. Without these gifts, we would have to cease our operation.
    We appreciate all donations, and ask everyone to consider establishing a automatic recurring donation. We have ways in which to assist you set such up either through our secure payment processing center or provide you with the information needed by your financial institution to establish recurring donations.
    We would also encourage those who have Required Minimum Disbursements to consider allocating those funds to Unity of Melbourne. We also appreciate donations through your estate planning or wills and trusts.
  • TESTIMONY. While we don’t include a time for testimony during our worship service, testimony today can include checking-in on Facebook when attending our Sunday service, commenting on a Unity of Melbourne Facebook post, liking or sharing one of our posts, making a comment on one of our YouTube videos. These are ways you can help spread of the good news of Unity of Melbourne.

If you have any questions, please contact Randy Fillmore, Licensed Unity Teacher at 321-254-0313 ext 3.

Square with 4 boxes inside, with each box identified as, "Time", "Talent", "Treasure", and "Testimony.